Breaking Out

Reel You
2 min readJul 11, 2021

I know you’ve been told to “never settle.” But we’re so used to our old ways, that sometimes we forget we’re in a bubble. We get comfortable with our routine and then it can be hard to break out of it. But when we do, we find ourselves becoming better people in the process. Challenging yourself to do something new doesn’t mean doing something impossible. We can challenge ourselves in small ways that help us continue to grow and see our lives through new eyes.

Cook a dish you’ve never made before. Brush your teeth with your opposite hand. Take a different route on your drive home. Then day by day, make your goal bigger. Book a plane ticket to a place you’ve never been to. Go alone. Face your fear of heights by cliff jumping in the ocean. Make an investment for your dream business. It’s in the small steps where we begin to build courage to take bigger ones. We become complacent when things are too easy or predictable. These small challenges bring us fresh perspective and can shake us out of a rut.

Challenging yourself to do something new doesn’t mean doing something impossible.

Breaking out of your comfort zone can help you feel more rejuvenated and challenged. It brings newness to everyday life, and allows you to discover things that you might enjoy. Including a new you.

How will you challenge yourself today? Let us know how it went!



Reel You

Our mission is to help you find joy in your journey.